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Russian language for foreigners
Only individual lesson and Skype
For students with Pre-intermediate English level and higher
You will study with our best bilingual teachers
We invite you to study Russian as a second language at the American Club of Education. Enjoy a rewarding educational experience at Russia's leading language school. We are absolutely sure our Russian language courses meet the highest standards of quality education. Our staff of teachers consists of highly qualified Russian and American teachers with vast experience of teaching Russian as a second language.
Regardless of your current knowledge of the Russian language, whether you want to start learning Russian from the very beginning, study specific grammatical structures in depth, gain fluency, improve pronunciation, practice spoken Russian language or even learn Russian business terminology, our staff of Russian and American teachers guarantees excellent results in only one month.
Our teachers are currently working with a large number of foreign companies including: Philip Morris (Moscow and Washington DC), Diplomatic Language Services (DC), FSI (Foreign Service Institute at the State Department), Samsung Electronics, Russian Aluminum, Baltika, Liggett-Ducat LTD, Microsoft and others. Lessons are held in groups of 3 or 6 students or individually, on and off school premises.
Lesson schedules are flexible for your convenience. We have a luxuriously furnished centrally heated and air conditioned school building in the center of Moscow to make lessons held on school premises as comfortable and relaxing as possible for our students.
Our philosophy
We realize that every student has unique language abilities. Our system quickly and accurately assesses students written and oral capabilities, to place each student in the appropriate level. If you are in the perfect level, you will learn effectively and quickly.
Students don't have unlimited time or resources. Consequently, we strive to offer an environment that allows our students to study as intensively and efficiently as possible.
Our courses, schedules and fees are all carefully managed to benefit our students as much as possible.
Prices for studying Russian as a foreign language
Офлайн обучение
- Продолжительность уровня: 72 ак./час.
- Расписание: Любое по 2 ак./час.
- Занятия: Любое
- Занятий в месяц: 16 ак./час.
- Выезд преподавателя + 150 руб./ак.ч.
- Занятия со специалистом-носителем из США, Канады, Британии или Австралии +550 руб./1 ак. ч.
Русскоязычный педагогA1/A2
оплата за 1 месяц (16 ак. ч.)
оплата за 2 месяца (32 ак. ч.)
оплата за курс 4.5 месяца (72 ак. ч.)
27 600р.
Носитель языка/bilingualB1/B2/C1
оплата за 1 месяц (16 ак. ч.)
оплата за 2 месяца (32 ак. ч.)
оплата за курс 4.5 месяца (72 ак. ч.)
32 200р.
Пройдите бесплатный тест на знание английского языка
Подберём наиболее подходящий для Вас курс
Время прохождения теста: ~15 минут